Support Animal Welfare
S/H KOH introduces new jewelry line to support animal welfare
When I first laid my eyes on my cat Jackson, it was love at first sight. I saw him in a garage in Florida and he approached me purring and motioned me to pet him. He was covered with fleas and dirt, so i thought he was a white cat at first. I took him home and gave him a bath and I realized after giving him a warm bath, he was a gray and white scottish fold without the folding ears. Jackson was my husband, boy friend, best friend, soulmate, best supporter and the most loving and dependable buddy while I lived in a Brooklyn studio. Jackson was there for me when I needed a company with unconditional love. I relied on him more than he relied on me. Jackson watched over me for 8 years before suddenly falling ill and within a span of 10 days, I visited several local vets and hospitals and finally the big Animal Medical Center in New York City. Doctors tried everything to find the cause and cure his illness but Jackson passed away on 5/20/17.
As a jewelry designer, how could I help Jackson and all other cats out there? In memory of Jackson, I decided to start a campaign to support and help animals.
I am happy to say that I am working with the ASPCA Business Ambassador Program and the Social Tees Animal Rescue. To support these wonderful organizations, I am launching a series of animal pendants and 100% of the profits will be donated to these two excellent organizations. The first in the series will be the “Jackson” Kitty Pendant collection.
S/H KOH is proud to support the ASPCA® and its mission to save lives. To learn more, visit: We are happy to say that we have been approved to participate in the ASPCA Business Ambassador Program.
To learn more, visit: